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Books:The Help

Created on: 07/15/10 01:27 PM Views: 3088 Replies: 1
Books:The Help
Posted Thursday, July 15, 2010 08:27 AM

The Help was a book we read while driving that was another one of the best she's read to me. It takes place in the 60's and is about 3 women. One white lady around 18 or older and two women of color that are maids for white families. The white woman wanted to find out and write a book about how the maids felt about the white families they worked for. It was about the maids developing trust in a white woman and the white woman learning about the strugles of being a woman of color. It takes place in Jackson Mississippi and has humor as well as sad things going on in it.  This was my wifes favorite book we have read.

If know of any good books please post it we are always looking for something good to read while traveling

RE: Books:The Help
Posted Friday, September 30, 2011 05:02 PM

I read The Help a few novels (months) ago. LOVED it...and then dragged hubby to the movie :->.  Loved it as well...kind of emotional, but so FUNNY about The Terrible Aweful!

Hope you're doing well--will be traveling to Spokane week after next to see the five other grandkids :-)

